Energy for Transition

Since 2008, F2i has been among the first funds in Italy to believe in and invest in energy from renewable and in energy transition.

Today the subsidiary EF Solare Italia, which owns over 300 plants and an installed capacity of over 1 GW between Italy and Spain, is the first photovoltaic operator in Italy and among the first in Europe.

It positions itself as a technology leader to drive the growth of the solar sector through operational excellence, innovation and the development of new plants.

Sorgenia, which entered the portfolio in 2020, is one of the main operators in the energy sector in Italy and it has an installed capacity of 300 MW of wind farms and 70 MW of woody biomass plants, as well as an installed capacity of 3,180 MW of high-speed combined cycle gas plants with high efficiency and low emissions. These plants play a primary role in the energy transition to support generation from renewable sources, thanks to the possibility of modulating production according to the needs of the national electricity grid.

In 2021, with the investment in the gas storage sector through IGS, the F2i platform was enriched with an additional strategic infrastructure for the national energy transition.

Renovalia Tramontana, which entered the portfolio in 2022, has an installed capacity of 53 MW of wind farms in Spain.
The plant is among the most technologically advanced on an international level. Thanks to its high performance it brings benefits to the national energy system in terms of safety, adequacy and flexibility.

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