ESG Governance

F2i's ESG Governance model, outlined within the ESG Policy, defines ESG roles and responsibilities throughout the organization. Specifically:

F2i's Board of Directors is responsible for approving and reviewing the ESG Policy, approving the “Statement on Principal Adverse Impacts on sustainability” adopted according to Article 4 of the SFDR Regulations (“PAI Statement”), and approving the Consolidated Sustainability Report.

Given the growing relevance of ESG aspects for F2i, the responsibilities of the Control and Risk Committee have been expanded, changing its name to “Control Risk and Sustainability Committee” (CCRS), which:

  • expresses opinions on the initiatives and programs promoted by the Company in terms of ESG sustainability;
  • monitors compliance with corporate rules on ESG issues and the Company's positioning with respect to the reference ratings (UN PRI, GRESB);
  • examines in advance the general approach of the Consolidated Sustainability Report and the structure of the related contents, as well as the completeness and transparency of the information provided within it, issuing an opinion in this regard to the Board of Directors during the approval phase of the Report;
  • expresses opinions on specific sustainability issues, at the request of the Chief Executive Officer or the Board of Directors.

The CEO submits to the Board of Directors the proposal for amendments to the ESG Policy and PAI Statement for whose implementation he is responsible and approves the Consolidated Sustainability Report. He also proposes to the Remuneration Committee changes related to F2i's Remuneration and Incentive Policy to guarantee a consistent integration of sustainability risks.

The ESG Committee, chaired by the CEO and composed of the Chief Investment Officer (CIO) Equity and Debt, the Head of Strategy & Business Development, the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and the Head of Regulatory, Legal, and Corporate Affairs, meets semi-annually and deals mainly with:

  • discusses the progress of ESG criteria integration into F2i's investment (or financing) processes;
  • may propose amendments to the ESG Policy or the PAI Statement to the Board of Directors;
  • reviews and supervises the timely publication of ESG disclosures;
  • with regard to the equity funds only, the ESG Committee assesses the preparation of any Action Plans referred to the individual portfolio companies, in order to gradually remedy the most critical ESG aspects, emerged during the due diligence process.

The ESG Sustainability Business Unit, established within the Strategy and Business Development area, is mainly tasked with:

  • supporting the investment areas in taking ESG factors into consideration with respect to the launch of new products and in the phase of evaluation of new investments and definition of the Action Plan of newly acquired companies;
  • applying the monitoring and engagement strategies in relation to the portfolio companies, supporting, where applicable, the related reporting activities;
  • issuing the ESG disclosures due pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 (SFDR) and in application of the European Taxonomy;
  • drafting the Consolidated Sustainability Report on an annual basis;
  • liaising with PRI, GRESB, UN Global Compact, and with any other organisations in the ESG area, as well as with various stakeholders;
  • monitoring the developments of external regulations and proposing, if necessary, any amendments to the relevant internal regulations;
  • providing training on ESG issues, including by relying on external consultants.