Funds Governance

Bodies of the Funds

All equity funds, except Fund VI F2i - Rete Digitale, have two bodies in which investor representatives participate according to the fund rules: the Advisory Committee and the Conflicts of Interest Committee. Fund VI does not have a Conflicts of Interest Committee as it is a single asset fund. The debt fund is equipped with the Sub-Fund Advisory Committees and the Fund Advisory Committee, participated by investor representatives according to the fund rules.

Advisory committee

Composed of influential members of the Italian and international industrial and financial world, appointed by the investors according to the regulation of each fund. The Advisory Committee delivers its opinions in certain cases specified by the Fund’s rules, including in support of management policies. In some cases, its opinion is mandatory and binding, for instance concerning the replacement of a key manager or exceptions to constraints on the Fund’s investment policy and in relation to the main situations of conflict of interest.

Conflict Committee

Composed of three members of the Advisory Committee, this body issues binding opinions on conflict of interest transactions not falling within the competence of the Advisory Committee.