F2i's social commitment

F2i annually supports charitable projects in line with the principles of social responsibility. The most recent donations were for the following projects:

foto Installation of solar panels for the Fadaii center

Installation of solar panels for the Fadaii center

AVSI, a non profit organization that implements development cooperation and humanitarian projects, has built a new multi-purpose center in Lebanon to benefit the local population and Syrian refugees. Inaugurated in July 2023, Fadaii meets the concrete needs of the community through literacy classes, professional training and psycho-pedagogical services.
(See the project website for further details)

foto Hydroelectric Power Plant - Huallin Plant

Hydroelectric Power Plant - Huallin Plant

The Don Bosco 3A Association, in support of disadvantaged populations in Latin America, supported the local community in the completion of a hydroelectric power plant in the Cordillera Andina with a focus on the construction of the power plant's interconnection cabin to the high voltage line.
(See the project website for further details)

foto Emergency response in Aleppo and Latakia Governorate

Emergency response in Aleppo and Latakia Governorate

AVSI has provided support to the people of the Syrian cities affected by February 2023 earthquake through the distribution of food and necessities, reconstruction of damaged homes, and psychosocial support for children and adults.
(See the project website for further details)

foto F2i supports the Una Nessuna e Centomila Foundation

F2i supports the Una Nessuna e Centomila Foundation

Donation made to provide support to 7 anti-violence centers identified by the “Una Nessuna e Centomila” foundation, which in Italy is dedicated to preventing and combating gender-based violence and violence against minors. The donation is intended to support current expenses and cover operating costs as well as to finance specific projects of the Associations involved.

foto Amici del Trivulzio Martinitt Stelline Onlus Foundation

Amici del Trivulzio Martinitt Stelline Onlus Foundation

F2i participated in the Milano Marathon 2022, 2023 and 2024, supporting the Amici del Trivulzio Martinitt Stelline Onlus Foundation in the implementation of the "A casa con cura" project, a social and health care service for fragile elderly people.