Governance of our AMC

F2i has adopted the highest governance standards in the asset management industry and adheres to strict principles of independence, integrity and transparency.

F2i’s shareholding structure and governance ensure for our company continuity, stability, independence and alignment of management’s and investors’ interests.

F2i SGR S.p.A. has been registered with the Bank of Italy as an AMC since July 2007 under number 247. Since 29 April 2015, under authorisation from the Bank of Italy pursuant to the AIFM Directive, it has been registered under no. 101 of the AMC Register, AIF Managers Section.

Board of Directors
The Board of Directors of F2i SGR is composed of Massimiliano Cesare (Chairman), Renato Ravanelli (CEO), Marika Arena, Diego Buono, Franco Dalla Sega, Filippo Franchetti Rosada, Elisabetta Gardini, Valter Militi, Cristina Pilone, Giovanni Quaglia, Fiorenza Resta, Luigi Salvadori.

Board of Statutory Auditors
The Board of Statutory Auditors of F2i SGR is made up of: Marco Tani (Chairman), Antonia Coppola (standing auditor), Enzo Maria Simonelli (standing auditor), Diego De Francesco (alternate auditor) and Silvia Lirici (alternate auditor).


The share capital of F2i SGR is held by 19 shareholders which include the main Italian foundations of banking origin, leading credit institutions, public institutions, pension funds, sovereign funds and asset managers.

F2i sgr shareholders

Investment Committee
The tasks of the Investment Committee are to examine and assess the investment proposals put forward by the management of F2i SGR and to issue an opinion on each proposal before it is submitted to the Board of Directors for approval.

Composition of the Investment Committee of the Funds

The Investment Committee of the Second Fund is composed of 9 members, of whom 4 are internal (CEO and senior partner of the Investment Team) and 5 external, appointed by the Board of Directors of the AMC from professionals having experience in infrastructure and investment projects in general.

The Investment Committee of the Third Fund is composed of 9 members, of whom 5 are internal (CEO, Senior Partner of the Investment Team and CFO) and 4 external, appointed from professionals having experience in infrastructure and in investment projects in general.

The Investment Committee of the ANIA F2i Fund is composed of 9 members, of whom 5 are internal (CEO, Senior Partner of the Investment Team and CFO) and 4 external, appointed from professionals having experience in infrastructure and in investment projects in general.

The Investment Committee of the Fondo per le infrastrutture sostenibili is composed of 8 members, of whom 5 are internal (CEO, Senior Partner of the Investment Team and CFO) and maximum 3 external, appointed from professionals having experience in infrastructure and in investment projects in general.

The Investment Committee of F2i - Rete Digitale is composed of 7 members, of whom 5 are internal (CEO, Senior Partner of the Investment Team and CFO) and 2 external.

The Investment Committee of the Infrastructure Debt Fund is composed of 5 internal members (CEO, Senior Partner of the Debt Investment Team, Head of Strategy & Business Development Team and CFO).

Control functions
F2i SGR has the following corporate control functions, reporting to the Board of Directors:

  • Risk management: this function is headed by Massimo Niccolai, Partner.
  • Compliance and anti-money laundering: this function is headed by Francesca Corlito.
  • Internal audit: this function is headed by Gianmarco Maffioli (Consilia Regulatory S.r.l.).

Supervisory body

With regard to corporate administrative liability controls, pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree 231/01, the Board of Directors appointed, most recently by resolution of 9 march 2022, the body supervising the functioning of and compliance with the organisation and management model pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001. The supervisory body is composed by Stefania Chiaruttini (Chairman), Rita Ciccone (Head of Regulatory, Legal and Corporate Affairs) and Gianmarco Maffioli (Head of Internal Audit). 

Any reports to the supervisory body should be sent to the following e-mail address:

Data Protection Officer

The Board of Directors also appointed Mr Ivan Rotunno as Data Protection Officer, by resolution of 9 march 2022.