Press Releases

Public Tender Offer on EI Towers was successfully completed. The first Italian independent Broadcast and TLC Tower operator is now created

Milan, October 5th, 2018. With 97.4% of the shares tendered – according to the preliminary data communicated to Borsa Italiana – the public tender offer on EI Towers, launched on August 27th by F2i and Mediaset, ended with full success. F2i and Mediaset, at completion, will hold 60% and 40% of the shares respectively.

With its 2,300 broadcast towers and more than 1,000 TLC towers, EI Towers, with the full support of its shareholders, is set to become a leader in the broadcasting and TLC Tower industry, acting as independent and not vertically integrated player, ready to exploit the development opportunities of a rapidly evolving sector, yet being open to partnerships with other operators.

Renato Ravanelli, F2i CEO, declared: “This operation confirms F2i’s role as catalyst for Italian and international investments in infrastructural platforms, strategic for our Country. Our solid experience in infrastructure management will bring a new development phase for EI Towers, facing a highly dynamic market that we consider very interesting in its evolution. The combination of Italian governance backed by domestic and international investors, attracted thanks to the trust that our management has been able to build, will provide new energies for the growth of this important infrastructure player. Mediaset’s permanence as shareholder shows appreciation and trust by a major industrial group towards F2i and an important continuity factor for EI Towers

The tender offer was launched at a price of 57 euro per share, which values the entire share capital at 1.6 billion euro. Upon fulfillment of the MAC condition, the cash settlement will occur on Friday October 12th and within that date the squeeze-out procedure terms will be communicated to the market.