Press Releases

F2i purchases 282MW of wind energy capacity from Veronagest and strengthens its position in the italian renewable energy sector

F2i SGR and Veronagest, have signed an agreement for the purchase by F2i's Secondo Fondo of one of Italy's main wind portfolio, comprised of 7 energy plants operating in Sicily and Calabria with aggregate installed capacity of 282 MW. Through this acquisition, F2i continues to grow in the renewal energy sector, with the objective of fostering the development of large specialised operators able to harness significant operational and financial efficiency. Indeed the Veronagest are additional to the other wind assets already held by Fondo F2i, which include 70% of the company E2i (approximately 600 MW installed and 165 MW under construction) and ownership of 16% of Alerion. With plant capacity in excess of 1000 MW, F2i has now become one of the main sector operators in the Italy.

Submission of a binding offer for the acquisition of 24% of the capital of ADMIE

The consortium Terna S.p.A. - F2i SGR S.p.A. (with an equal stake of 50%) qualified as an Eligible Participant on the 12 August 2016, submitted a binding offer for the acquisition of 24% of the capital of ADMIE, also named as Independent Power Transmission Operator S.A. (IPTO), in compliance with the tender procedure launched on 12 July 2016 by Public Power Corporation (PPC), in its capacity of sole owner of ADMIE. ADMIE is the Hellenic Electricity Transmission System Operator and it owns and operates the National Interconnected Electricity Transmission System, composed by 11,529 km of Transmission Lines with a voltage of 66 – 400 kV and 310 High Voltage substations.