Bianca Ambrosini

Investment Director


At F2i since 2019, Bianca Ambrosini is Investment Director of the Equity Investment Team. Over the years, she has mainly been involved in acquisition and financing transactions in sectors covering power generation from renewable sources, circular economy, transport and logistics, and social and healthcare facilities.
Prior to joining F2i, Bianca was Vice President of Structured Finance at ING Bank and oversaw a number of financing transactions and acquisitions in the Italian and Spanish markets, mainly in the energy and infrastructure sectors. She previously worked for Whysol Investments as a Business Development Analyst, dealing with investment opportunity evaluations and assisting management on M&A transactions, joint ventures and equity book-building.
She holds a degree in Economics, Financial Markets and Intermediaries from LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome. She holds a master’s degree in Advanced Economics and Finance from Copenhagen Business School. She also took part in an exchange programme at the Curtis L. Carlson School of Management, Minnesota. 

She is currently member of the Board of Directors of some companies of the ReLife Group.