Transport and Logistics

Airports, ports, highways and railways. With its infrastructure F2i’s subsidiaries unite Italy and connect it with the world.
The investment in the airport sector started in 2010. today the F2i Funds boast the main Italian airport network in their portfolio: Milan Linate and Malpensa (SEA), Naples and Salerno (GESAC), Turin (SAGAT), Alghero (SOGEAAL), Olbia (GEASAR), Trieste (AFVG) and Bologna (AdB), in which up to 68 million passengers passed through in in one year, over 30% of national traffic.

In 2019 F2i entered the port sector and, through acquisitions and aggregations, created F2i Holding Portuale, the first Italian operator in the terminal handling of bulk goods. From the docks of Carrara, Marghera, Chioggia, Livorno and Monfalcone, 9.4 million tons of goods are handled every year, raw materials destined for Italian industry or national products exported to foreign markets.

To integrate this logistics platform in 2020, the freight railway operator Compagnia Ferroviaria Italiana joined the F2i portfolio, which reliably connects the main production areas of the country with over 200 trains a week.
In the motorway sector, the Fund participates through Infracis in the motorways of the North East.


trasporti logistica aeroporti
trasporti logistica porti