Press Releases

SIA: CDP Equity and FSIA complete the acquisition of the stakes of F2i, HAT, Intesa Sanpaolo and UniCredit

 SIA: CDP Equity and FSIA complete the acquisition of the stakes of F2i, HAT, Intesa Sanpaolo and UniCredit

CDP Equity thus becomes holder of 25.69% directly and 57.5% through FSIA Investimenti, in turn held 70% by FSI Investimenti and 30% by Poste Italiane

 Milan 7 November 2019 – CDP Equity and FSIA Investimenti, a company held 70% by FSI Investimenti (in turn controlled by CDP Equity with a 77% stake) and 30% by Poste Italiane, have today concluded the acquisition of the shareholdings in SIA, the payment systems company, of F2i, HAT, Intesa Sanpaolo and UniCredit. 
More specifically, CDP Equity has acquired from F2i Reti Logiche 17.05% and from Orizzonte Infrastrutture Tecnologiche (entirely owned by HAT) 8.64% of SIA, thereby becoming owner of 25.69% of the company, while FSIA has acquired the shares held by UniCredit and Intesa Sanpaolo, equal to 3.97% each, increasing their stake in the shareholding from 49.5% to 57.5%. 
Commenting on the deal concluded today, Pierpaolo Di Stefano - Chief Investment Officer of CDP and CEO of CDP Equity – underlined that CDP will continue in its strategy of developing and strengthening SIA, since that of payments and financial transactions is a strategic and highly innovative sector. The acquisition of these further stakes also serves to offer more effective strategic options in order to maximize the value of the investment, the technological benefits and the creation of jobs in Italy. 
In these years, F2i has accompanied SIA’s extraordinary industrial development that has seen it double its operations and economic results in the period in which we have held a stake in its capital, helping it to become a Europewide player. With this investment, we have achieved results in line with our fund’s mission: create Italian infrastructural models capable of competing worldwide and generating solid returns for our investors”, said Renato Ravanelli, F2i’s CEO. 
“We are highly satisfied with this operation - commented Nino Attanasio, Chairman of HAT – and sure of the fact that CDP will carry on in its industrial project to develop SIA in the payments area, with innovative solutions able to support the growth of the country system.” “The SIA acquisition – added Ignazio Castiglioni, CEO of HAT – demonstrates our ability to invest in an opportunity accessible to few and to 
distinguish ourselves as a value added investment fund manager, capable of contributing financial and technological knowhow”.