Press Releases

2i Towers, a company indirectly controlled by F2i, has launched a voluntary public tender offer on the entire share capital of EI Towers

2i Towers – a special purpose company fully owned by 2i Towers Holding, which is indirectly controlled by F2i, with an important minority stake held by Mediaset – has launched a Voluntary Public Tender Offer on the entire share capital of EI Towers S.p.A. EI Towers, a listed company, is the owner and manages the main Italian network for the transmission of the TV signal (over 2,300 towers), a network for the transmission of mobile telephone services (over 1,100 towers) and has a fiber optic backbone of over 6,000 km serving its infrastructure. The Offer, whose essential terms are detailed in the notice published in accordance with art. 102 of the Italian Consolidated Financial Act, available on the website, provides for a consideration equal to Euro 57.00 for each share, entailing a premium equal to 19.2% compared to the weighted average of the prices recorded during the six months preceding the announcement of the transaction.

F2i purchases the entire portfolio of vegetable biomass plants of the Enel Group, becoming the leader in the sector in Italy

F2i SGR, acting on behalf of its Second Fund, has signed an agreement with two companies of the ENEL Group, ENEL Produzione and ENEL Green Power, calling for: the purchase of two plants for the production of electric energy from vegetable biomass, for combined power of 47 MW; the plants are located in the Italian regions of Calabria and Emilia-Romagna; the purchase, upon completion of the period of construction (scheduled for the end of 2018), of two more plants, for a combined electrical power of 48 MW; these plants are located in the Italian regions of Sardinia and Emilia-Romagna, and production activities are scheduled to begin by the end of 2018; the acquisition of a development project in the Italian region of Lombardy for a fifth plant, with electrical power of 12 MW; the operation is to be completed upon conclusion of the authorisation procedure, foreseen for 2019. With this initiative, F2i becomes one of Europe’s foremost operators in the production of electric energy from vegetable biomass, reinforcing its presence in the renewable energy sector, where it already plays a leading role in wind and solar energy.

IRIDEOS continues to consolidate the cloud and datacenter market in Italy: acquisition of Enter srl

IRIDEOS, the new Italian ICT provider for Businesses and Public Administration, has acquired Enter srl, an Italian provider operating since 1996 in the telecommunication and datacenter market. Enter brings two additional datacenters located in the technological hub of via Caldera, in Milan, further strengthening the position of IRIDEOS at the heart of the Italian Internet; an innovative cloud platform based on Openstack, an open source protocol; an international network with presence in the main PoPs in Madrid, Paris, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Brussels, London, Stockholm, New York and Hong Kong.

Enel Green Power and F2i sign refinancing agreement for growth of EF Solare Italia

Enel Green Power and the F2i infrastructure fund, partners in the Gruppo EF Solare Italia ("EF") equal joint venture, the leading photovoltaic operator in Italy, today announced the signing of an agreement to refinance EF’s debt with a pool of credit institutions. The transaction, the most important ever carried out in the photovoltaics sector in Italy, involves five leading financial institutions: Banca IMI (Intesa San Paolo Group), BNP Paribas Italian Branch, Credit Agricole Corporate & Investment Bank – Milan Branch, ING Bank NV – Milan Branch, Unicredit which, together with the participation of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, will provide a total of 1.02 billion euros of new debt in the form of a non-recourse project financing arrangement. The refinancing, which consolidates EF’s growth over the past few years, enables EF Solare Italia, acting through EF Kosmos a wholly owned subsidiary that controls all the companies owning the plants involved in the transaction to optimise the terms and conditions of the credit lines, to rationalise its corporate structure and to support the future growth of the Group.

F2i achieves further growth in the photovoltaic sector through the acquisition of six new plants with total overall power of approximately 51.5 MW

F2i SGR, operating through the company F2i Energie Rinnovabili Srl, has purchased from 3 New Srl, 100% controlled by an infrastructure fund owned by Ardian, a world-leading private investment house, five enterprises active in the sector of renewable energies and owners of six different photovoltaic plants located in the Italian regions of Emilia Romagna, Apulia and Sicily, for an overall installed power of 51.5MW. These plants may subsequently be conferred to EF Solare Italia SpA, a joint venture undertaken in partnership with the Enel Group and Italy’s leading operator in the photovoltaic sector in terms of installed power (at 400 MW). F2i was assisted by Lazard (financial adviser), Orrick (legal affairs), EFSI/Moroni (technical expertise), PWC (accounting), Studio Torresi (taxes), Willis Tower Watson (insurance) and AON (W&I insurance). The operation was financed by the Banca Imi bank.